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About Us

Our Mission

Bringing relationally-driven biblical ministry education to church leaders lacking access to it.

Our Vision

To promote worldwide, self-sustaining training movements that biblically equip church leaders.

Our Passion

Making disciples who become disciple-makers.

Our History

In 1979, fifteen mission organizations met together in Vienna, Austria to address the critical need for leadership training in Communist-controlled countries. At that meeting, Biblical Education by Extension (BEE) was founded.

Who Do We Serve

iTEE Global serves institutions (churches, missions, schools) seeking to create capability and build capacity for the training of their own leaders by owning and controlling their own program. Here are a few examples:

Our Method of Service

iTEE Global addresses leadership training needs by training master trainers to multiply trainers who teach their own groups of students. iTEE provides a variety of courses in many languages that can be taught by these teachers.

Our Model of Training

Use of blended learning for leadership development has been demonstrated as a sound and flexible method of delivering training globally.
The leadership training needs of the Church are great and even though we (the global church) have had the advantages of modern transportation, modern communication, considerable economic capacity, improved methods of delivery of education, and many other assets, the church struggles to meet the growing demand for ministry leadership education.

What We Do Not Do

Serving the body of Christ cross culturally we are flexible and willing to adapt to learner needs and recognize and respond to field challenges. Because we desire to focus on supporting existing ministries, we find that there are some things that are incompatible with our ministry and mission. Thus, we do not: Start residential Bible schools or seminaries outside of North America.

Our Statement of Faith

We declare our unswerving commitment to proclaiming, preserving, and promoting the truth of the historic Christian faith as written in the inspired revelation of God in the Old and New Testament scriptures. This commitment to truth, as reflected in the following doctrinal statement, is entrusted to the leadership and staff or this ministry.