Merging Excellence with Accessibility

Picture of a man inside with a laptop sitting in a wheelchair
Braille device
Woman that has a prosthetic leg sitting in a chair with a laptop,

Because pastoral leaders with disabilities need training, too!​

iTEE Global offers accessible training through virtual courses in biblical education, leadership, and ministry. In addition, these courses are affordable when you partner with us. The cost is a fraction of what traditional biblical education institutions require. ​

Diverse Delivery

Over 70 courses are available from six evangelical curriculum publishers, in multiple languages through the online Moodle platform. The courses are offered Face-to-face, Hybrid, and Online, in print, and audio, because not every disabled person can use the Internet. ​​


Courses for persons with disabilities are available online through an accessible portal. Every attempt has been made to ensure that all elements of the courses are accessible. For example a visually impaired student can study using a screen reader, screen magnifier or braille display. ​


iTEE Global will train core teachers to receive training to teach online and face-to-face. Those core teachers will be able to train other teachers how to teach using the resources in a scaleable fashion.  During this partnership, you receive education consulting and technical support. ​


As a partner, your organization receives training to take advantage of the multiple course delivery options for people with disabilities. ​

iTEE Global design for adaption of courses can fit various sets of students, and is in multiple languages. ​

Certificate and diploma-level programs are now available in ten languages.​

Are you ready to explore a new area of reaching pastoral leaders with disabilities to make disciple makers?

If God is calling you, please complete the form below.

We are pleased to partner with you!