with Peninsula Baptist Church

Project Nehemiah Workshop

November 26-29, 2023

What is Project Nehemiah?

Project Nehemiah is a strategic method to expose global leaders to our vision for training pastoral and church leaders.

We reveal leaders to a fresh discipleship paradigm of teaching through a dialogue learning method. 

Pastoral leaders include small group leaders, elders, deacons, women’s ministry leaders, and Sunday School teachers.

Cost of Training

Venue provided by Peninsula Baptist Church

Teaching and Materials provided by iTEE Global


Food Options

$70/person: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks

$55/person: Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks

Lodging Options

    Dunes Bible Camp

  • Walking Distance (across the street)​
  • $110/three nights -staff lodges
  • shared bathrooms
  • and towels. ​
    Chautauqua Resort:

  • ​12 min drive
  • $89/night Double view Room​
  • patio. ​
    Host Homes ​

  • Available on Request​


Peninsula Baptist Church
23802 PACIFIC WAY, ​
OCEAN PARK, WA, 98640​

Workshop Schedule

SUNDAY, November 26 

  • 3:15 PM – Doors Open
  • 5:00 PM – Dinner
  • 5:15 PM – Session 1

MONDAY, November 27

  • 8:00 AM– Breakfast
  • 8:15 AM – Session 2
  • 12:30 PM – Lunch
  • 12:45 PM – Session 3
  • 5:30 PM – Dinner
  • 6:00 PM – Recreation

TUESDAY, November 28

  • 8:00 AM– Breakfast
  • 8:15 AM – Session 4
  • 12:30 PM– Lunch
  • 12:45 PM – Session 5
  • 5:30 PM – Dinner
  • 5: 45 PM –  Lesson Prep

WEDNESDAY, November 29

  • 8:00 AM – Breakfast
  • 8:15 AM – Session 6
  • 12:30 pm – Lunch – End of Workshop
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