What is Project Nehemiah?
Project Nehemiah is a face-to-face interactive training workshop with the objective of equipping teachers and leaders to motivate and train others. Nehemiah is a model to us. Through prayer, planning and developing vision among local leaders, he accomplished what seemed impossible: rebuilding the broken walls of Jerusalem. iTEE Global uses his model to equip local leaders.
Project Nehemiah is a 20-hour workshop teaching participants how to effectively apply Jesus’s interactive teaching principles to address the student’s head, heart and hands. Learning these skills allows the student to teach Biblical truth to others.

What You Will Learn

Project Nehemiah Workshop
What Will the Learning Environment Be Like?
This is a highly interactive and positive classroom environment with discussion-style teaching. Along with the teaching and facilitating from the front, there is also work in smaller table groups, each led by a facilitator. Group discussion is done with a workbook to keep you on track. You receive materials to revisit so you remember what you have learned.
Who Should Attend?
The Workshop is especially designed to anyone who already has an active teaching or facilitating role, such as Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Women’s ministry, Life Group or Bible Study Leaders, and Youth or Children’s Workers.
But truly, this workshop will benefit anyone who wants to develop their skills in teaching, whether they are currently an active teacher or not.
Show Me HowHow Is Project Nehemiah Reaching The Nations?
iTEE Global sends teams around the world, training pastors and leaders to be better teachers. We also have a full Bible school curriculum online in English and translated in a few foreign languages. Overseas, the Project Nehemiah Workshop is used to train church leaders who learn to facilitate parts of the 12-week Bible courses interactively in person in their own native languages.
How can you participate?
The Project Nehemiah Workshop makes you eligible for consideration to serve on a short-term team with iTEE Global.
Depending on your educational background, you may also apply for further training as an online facilitator for the iTEE University Bible School.

iTEE Global designated instructor who will create, select and lead activities to help participants to learn.

Module Interaction Instructor
iTEE Global Facilitator who can teach on a specific module.

Table Coaches
Someone who has participated in the workshop previously and can assist the learners to prepare a lesson. He(she) coordinates group work by following the materials. They assign, or lead questions/activities to reveal and reflect on what’s already known on the topic, how this new information either corresponds or conflicts with previous knowledge, and then decide how the new information will be used or discarded when they leave class.

Debbie Wood, M Ed
Initially developed the course: IDEA (Interactive Discipleship Education Approach curriculum currently being used) based on Educational Research, biblical knowledge and 35 years of experience teaching adults in many cultures.
Proposed Workshop Schedule
Day One
- 8:15am – 5:00pm – Session 1
Day Two
- 8:00am to 12:30pm - Session 2
- 2:30pm to 5:30pm – Session 3
Day Three
- 8:00am to 12:30pm – Session 4
- 2:30pm to 5:30pm – Session 5
Day Four
- 8:00am to 12:30pm – Session 6
- 2:00pm – Departure